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Summer 2022

Rooftop BBQ, last gathering before Beatrice & Haider are off to Vet and Med school
(Back L to R): Haider, Jack, Kris, Prithvi. (Front L to R): Ilona, Beatrice.
Photo by Christoph, unpictured double rainbow that showed up unexpectedly!

Spring 2022

(L to R): Neha, Pranati, Kris, Zee, Beatrice, Jack, Nikitha, and Haider
Lab visit to Turtleback Zoo, Essex County NJ
L to R: Beatrice, Haider, Kris, Dana, Neha, Nikitha, Shakila

Summer 2021

Vaccinated outdoor rooftop BBQ to send off Ilona and Alfred to Med school!
Lab BBQ June 2021.JPG
(L to R): Beatrice, Kevin, Ilona, Haider, Kevin, Alfred, Kris (back), Zainab (front), Amany, Nikitha, Aryan, and Pranati
Photo by Abid Haque with Haider Zaki's nice camera :)

Spring 2021

(L to R): Kevin, Nikitha, Beatrice, Mahathi, Haider, Ilona, and Kris
Photo by Haider Zaki

Fall 2020

Fall 2020 socially distanced photo
A vaxxed, socially distanced, and masked photo with (L to R): Beatrice, Kevin, Kris, Mahathi, and Zee!
Missing were: Alfred, Aryan, Haider, Ilona, and Pranati

End of the Year: 2019

Lab dinner at a local tapas restaurant in the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark!

Fall 2019

Lab photo, outtakes, and fish faces in front of our fish rack with the team!
L to R: Pratik, Mahathi, Haider, Zainab, Sarah, Beatrice, and Kris

Fall 2018

Serious, goofy, and fish face lab photos of the Fall 2018 group!
Group Photo Fall 2018.jpg
Goofy Group photo Fall 2018.jpg
Fish face group selfie 2018.jpg
L to R: Sarah, Amany, Kris, Zainab, Mahathi, and Pratik!

Summer 2018

Z and Amany eat oysters summer 2018.jpg
Zainab and Amany enjoying some oysters at our end of the summer seafood dinner!

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