Awards and Fellowships for PhD candidate Zainab Tanvir and undergraduate researcher Prithvi Rajbabu!
We are happy to announce that PhD candidate Zainab Tanvir has been showered in well-deserved awards recently! Her work next academic year (hopefully her final year of her dissertation work) is supported by the competitive Rutgers University Dean's Dissertation Fellowship! Congratulations Zee! She also recently won two travel awards, from NJIT and from Rutgers University Newark, to support her presentation in May 2022 at the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience Meeting in Vancouver, Canada! Meanwhile, undergraduate researcher Prithvi Rajbabu has been awarded a 2022 NJIT Provost Undergraduate Research and Innovation Summer Fellowship to support his summer research, which he will present at the Summer Research Symposium at the end of July! Congrats Prithvi!